
Showing posts from December, 2021

Journey from Prohibition of Child Marriage to Marriage of Both Sexes at the Same Age

 Prohibition of Child Marriage Act (PCMA)was introduced in year 2006. But still Child Marriages are in practices continuously. Let's have a look at some reports and statics that shows the seriousness of Child Marriages and their terrific impacts.. 1) National Family Health Survey 4: One in four girls in India was being  married before 18 and around 8% of them aged between 15-19 years were mother or pregnant. 2) United Nations Children's Fund : Each year 1.8million girls under 18 get married in India that makes India the country having one -third child bride of the world.  NFHS 5 that shows present scenario also do not show any substantial improvements. There are some most appropriate reasons that responsible for Child Marriage..... A belief that girl need to marry early for safty and protection. Some parents consider the age period of 15-18 as unproductive especially for girls and also underaged girls are more prone to child marriage than boys. Child marriages often occurred du