Who need to know the meaning of a Woman

Usually,  we listen words like women empowerment,women respect,women wellness etc either by  youngsters or by high class society but on ground level in rural  area where 11.5%(2011)household females are headed ..there  real meaning of woman is generally missing or considered only a houseworker.I am not saying rurals are illiterate about meaning ..it just ground level. After that it's Gandhian country then we have to start from villages.Still today we celebrate Women's Day but women aren't safe even today . Women's Day celebrated since1908 every 8march brings a new hope for a woman but unfortunately years after years   we gotta gifts in form of  directly increasing cases of Honour killing, Murders for dowry,Domestic violence,Acid attacks  ,Child marriages Kidnapping.We know we are the future of the Country then why we aren't cooperate.Why we didn't notice about  atrocities against another women.. because she isn't in our blood relation??Untill how long???? According to UN:1/3 child marriages happened in India.also NCRB :per hour a Woman caused death related to dowry..Except this IMF' cheif Cristina Legard: if women gotta equal position in the perception of socio, economically, politically then India's GDP increased by 25-40%.. Notwithstanding the rampant crimes against women are unstoppable...


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