Patriarchy Vs existence of a Woman

Can we say"if patriarchy was not would be paradise for Women". Isn't it?
Let's see some eg: there is rarest of the rare  a lady Pope in  Church, a lack of lady priest..same as Masjids.. behind this  contribution in parliament only14.3%, in judiciary capacity of SC judges is 1113 and the numbers of women is only 32%.An American study:If there is a one lady judge in a panel of three judges ..gender discrimination affects the decision is that panel quietly .One more eg:year2016  , First lady Solicitor General Indira Jaisingh said in an interview...when a male lawyer with them ..priority of speaking always goes  to him.  That  egs  of patriarchy are only data for gov but we who  regularly feel this descrimination like torture in society.  
 As much as we say , these differences hysterious us.In a news paper continuously we read and anguished because of these thoughts.Why they differ us behalf of gender.. isn't enough we are a human ??Oxfam report:85%doesnt promoted because of they  are women.37%women payed comparatively low income because they are women.In India a woman raped in every 15mint because she is a woman .Not only this according to Time Use Survey: a women works daily without any payment  10hrs more  than a man and  after that they ask what u did?
 People says ..a lady is made for kitchen  but we talk about their professionality only 20% women are professional chef. In one year a women works 3000hrs and a man only1800hrs but  there is nearly 8%women have ownership of land. An Egyptian feminist thinker  Nawal-El-Saadawi said"I believe in freedom, justice,dignity and equality b/w all people regardless of gender , class,race, religion,colour or any other.". But it's irony because she is a Woman that's why saying like this...


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