DOWRY:how is the major impediment against WOMEN EMPOWERMENT

 Recently World Bank  published data against dowry system in south asia ,also figure out dowry is one of the biggest social problem in India. It was just about the data, 60years passed  to applied  Dowry Prohibition Act,1961 but still 95%indian Marriages are witnesses of  a dowry. According to WB     an Indian family     spend nearly 14% of their yearly domestic  income  as a dowry amounts.

Dowry is like a social stigma that openly endorsed by not only in middle and educational lack areas but also in high class and literate society.  Once we say education is the key factor for ending this disgraceful  system but when we see that cases in Kerala like states where nearly 100% literacy then it got a very disturbing factor for our society.  Recent news in Kerala against dowry death and outrage against married women show us  social status and patriarchy is excessively exist beyond literacy .Oxford defines dowry-" dowry as the amount of property or money brought by a bride to their husband in their marriage."

NCRB,2019 data  for IPC cases against dowry tells that.. A women becomes victim of dowry death roughly every hour.Additionally,she becomes a victim of cruelty,assault by her husband or in- laws every four minute.

Stories of harassment and deaths over dowry cuts across all  the barriers of   class,financial, educational and religious. DOWRY is a crime and illegal also still rarely any case  reported to police.  The thing that  makes  it most serious is that unless maybe a women doesn't led to death neither  families nor society stands against happened in cases of Rashika and Aysha.

We all know  taking or giving dowry is a crime and it's a social evil  still instead of reducing this illness we promoting it. This  entrenched and anarchronism socio factor   is responsible for feticide, child Marriage, descrimination pervades that  stops women  to be empowered . Parents spend less money and focus on  girl child  respectively, they worry about daughters marriage since their birth  . Further and future  a women that is dependent and only a house wife   becomes a victim of assaulting, tortures etc..

After this scenario ,it's clear only legislation and literacy doesn't work against this illness. So, we need a change behind this thinking. Women should flatly refused for dowry marraiges, parents have to make their daughters financially  independent , also awareness is most important.    Families make society not vice versa so if we started this initiative from grassroots ...then surely positive effect will show on society.


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