One Way that's make Women a meaningful Empower: Financially Independence

 The long -drawn movement for women's rights has been fighting to bring women and men on an equal footing in society. But , when we think on ground level  Financially Independence is the one way to make Women empower. Why is it? And How's it  done  ? Let's find out...

Oxford Dictionary defines empowerment as.         " Making someone stronger , more confident especially in controlling their life and claiming their righs."

Financially Independence is not only a source of confidence but also gives women the credibility to participate in important matters of decision making ,for themselves and their families.

At the launch of an initiative called W20,  International Monetary Fund's Christine Legard said, 

         "India's GDP can  expand by 27% approximately , if the number of female worker increases to the same level as that of men." 

 Research shows that when women earn income they reinvest 90% of it into their families as compared to only 30% to 40%  for a men.  That will be beneficial  for achieving  financial inclusion  goal also 

Now , moving to the answer of Why..

Let's start from a anecdote...There is a women who married in 21 obviously she is mature but not independent.  She belongs from rich family, In-laws are also in good manners . She pretends that she happy..she might be .  She was suffering from some diseases ,she told them also ..but neither  they  treat her  nor they allow them to make cure and after sometimes ,she  died. (from previous  editorial) 

According to INB report of SBI : one woman dies every hour due to dowry harrasment in India 

This is especially important for women who are live in abusive households.It has been reported that 70% women in India face some form of domestic violence in by using "controlling behaviour" i.e. restricting access to financial resources. 

A report titled ' Women and Money' published by the Gates Foundation,quoi a women says," If I need money, I would ask my family,but I'm hardly able to give if they need it."   

Financial inclusion of women has a key role to play in bringing about gender equality in society..

Now let's look at the challenges what stops women from moving forward..

1) Lack of Literary is one of the major factor , without adequate literacy, it is very difficult for men &women to understand and appreciate the role of formal finance in their lives.According to UNESCO's  e Atlas of Gender Inequality in Education  , Globally, about 10% of all girls roughly b/w 6&11 years are denied the Right to Education.

2) The second hinderance is the practice of getting the female children married before they are economically independent often against their wishes.This along with early motherhood, makes them entirely dependent on the husband or in-laws's families.

3)often sets roles are laid down by society of what a "Good  Women " should be like soft spoken, demure ,home before dark etc.. Anybody who breaks out of this stereotypes is usually looked out with' Disdain' .

4)  One more major reason that makes obstacle is Sexual Harrasment at work place. Study reveals that almost 79% of the surveyed victims who report some form of sexual harrasment are women.

5) According to Gov report :95% of women workers  belongs from unorganised sector  . And they faces problems like maternity leave, heavy work load and undesigned work hours etc.. 

Some other issues like lack of skill  and unreach of  ID's , banks , formal technical education & service etc are also plays important role to lag them behind.

Way forward...

 GoI launched the 'Beti Bachao ,Beti Padhao ' compaign in Jan ,2015, with the aim of creating awareness and to ensure survival, protection and empowerment of the girl child.  And It shows positive result .

In 1997, SC laid down definitive guPidelines to protect women from Sexual Harrasment in work place , called 'Vishakha Guidelines' .

UP government started a intiative ' BC  Sakhi '  so that they confirm  banking facilities door to door  .

On International Women's Day :  A campaign is started # Break the Bias.   And the theme is -" Gender Equality today for a sustainable tomorrow."   And Without gender equality today , a sustainable future,an equal future,remains out of reach.

PM addressed a new initiative" 'Women led development'  rather than just 'Women 's Development'.

" There is no dignity quite so impressive, and no independent quite so important as living within your means." 

       This beautiful and simple quote is symbolic of why Financial Independent is important for all of us .And whn it is come to women it is, of course, of paramount importance.


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