Mental Illness that's making human the living corpse

In today' fast-paced  world,  we often hear  a very prevailing phrase "just accept the situation and go ahead"  but very few people know what to accept and where to move? 

Examples are meant to be understood , so let's start with a exemplification ...many of us have seen the series ASUR  and ofcourse everyone must have developed their own diffrent views obout it . But what i observed is Shubh's mind  how he became what he heard about himself. So my purpose in saying this that we often priorities societal point of view  notwithstanding of our conscience about us. We all know there is big diffrence b/w saying and believing  and it is this diffrence that leads us to mental illness .  We all experience mental disorders at some point for some reasons, for someone it can be issues of health,studies,career,relationships and for someone it can be empty nest syndrome.

 Dr Jeffrey Kellogg says -" I think mental health is pervasive . It affects us in everything we do, and depending on how much disruption our emotions are, or if we have an anxiety disorder or a depression disorder or just normal reactions to life stresses , it can affect almost everything's not separate entity , it's all one and the same." 

For past few years ,mental health has become a buzzword in our society but even now,mental health is still under discussed. But the walls around mental health and illness are slowly beginning to break down as awarness and understanding spreads about the issues, and part of this is thanks to the help of social media.

Let's have a look at  sobering statics-

1) one in five  adults have a mental illness and young adults under age 25 have the highest rate .

2) half of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14, 75% by age 24.

3) Mental illness is the second leading  cause of suicide among young people aged 10 to 34.

4) Increased of alchohal and drugs was reported by 15% of adolscents and 18%of  adults.

5) Mental illness contribute 18.5%of the global disease burden including depression , anxiety and neuro- psychiatric disorders.

6) A 2022 WHO report mentioned that there was a 25% increse in anxiety and depression among people.

7) According to WHO , India' suicide rate in 2022,  was higher than the regional average and global average.

You must be thinking that what do we have to do with these big statics and yes statics aren't meant to be healing .  We are down to earth person so solution also should be down to earth  . We all know the power of the word Talking &Listening .  Trust me these words work as a miracle . So if you feeling anxiety or depression , firstly you have to accept it and know that you are not alone . You are allowed to feel these emotions and you are allowed to talk about them and express them. You do not have to feel shame for your mental health. 

There are some another steps for "whole of society" approach to protecting , promoting and caring for the mental health of our people-

1) Killing the deep stigma surrounding mental health issues. 2) Making mental health an integral part of the public health. 3) Creating a strong infrastructure for mental health care and treatment. 4) Affordable mental health services:  improved coverage without corresponding financial protection will lead to inequitable service uptake and outcomes.

Most importantly, there are things you can do about your mental health . Find something that works for you . Try going for a walk,  a minddfulness  app or consider speaking with a professional care provider . You are not alone, there are people who are willing and passionate about supporting you.


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