Loneliness : A new pandemic

American Psychological Association-

 "Modern life is synonymous with human absorption- seduction-with technology -mediated companions".

The Global State of Social Connections report stated that about a quater of the world population feels lonely. And the deleterious effect of loniless is equivalent to smoking 15cigaretts a day. India's troubles in this context run deep .About 27% of its youth, 5 -15% of children and almost 75% of senior citizens are afflicted by solitude. Atleast 10%of adolescents and 25%  of older people are lonely or very lonely. 
According to Gallup and Walton Family Foundation, 10%GenZ describe their mental health as"poor" while rest of them say just "Ok" , they feel severe segregation . GenZ - generally considered to include those born between  1997 and 2012.
These statics are an underestimation of the real scale of loneliness , which the WHO declared a pressing ,albeit underappreciated , global health threat. 
The indian experience of loneliness , however, is relatively understudies and unacknowledged . But high rates of social isolation and loneliness have serious  consequences for health and well -being . People without strong social connections are at higher risk of stroke, anxiety , dementia , depression  , suicide and more , said WHO .

  Social isolation and inclination towards social media is the major reason of loneliness  loneliness . Study reveals that when people feel lonely and anxious they are likely to spend long duration of time on SM . It takes the form of binge consumption which leaves them wired , tired and unable to sleep.
People feels empty after hours of consuming short video type of content. Chronic loneliness among young Indians is a mental health issue that  is not getting the attention it sorely deserves.

Certainly, social interaction is meant to be helpful when we're  lonely like getting emotional support  from a trusted one but yes this is also true we are witnessed of Friendship Recession. Surveys tells that 40% people admitted they haven't any best friend.  But yes these data suggest that a genuine friendship is a big deal.
 Moreover One possible way is to  covert your loneliness into  solitude.If lonely people need some time alone to cope and feel better , there's nothing wrong with that.  Also ,We need to consistently reimagine our relationship with social media . We really need to works towards finding a relationship mindfully with SM where it serves our needs and at the same time allows us to take care of our mental wellbeing.
Besides , these analytical factors just try to be someone 's " Mai Hoon Na".


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