
Showing posts from 2021

Journey from Prohibition of Child Marriage to Marriage of Both Sexes at the Same Age

 Prohibition of Child Marriage Act (PCMA)was introduced in year 2006. But still Child Marriages are in practices continuously. Let's have a look at some reports and statics that shows the seriousness of Child Marriages and their terrific impacts.. 1) National Family Health Survey 4: One in four girls in India was being  married before 18 and around 8% of them aged between 15-19 years were mother or pregnant. 2) United Nations Children's Fund : Each year 1.8million girls under 18 get married in India that makes India the country having one -third child bride of the world.  NFHS 5 that shows present scenario also do not show any substantial improvements. There are some most appropriate reasons that responsible for Child Marriage..... A belief that girl need to marry early for safty and protection. Some parents consider the age period of 15-18 as unproductive especially for girls and also underaged girls are more prone to child marriage than boys. Child marriages often occurred du

Making sure that Girls don't dropout of school:Still a long journey remaining

Recently the president of Niti Aayog Amitabh Kant addressed  Gender Biasness in Education specially higher education that requires providing social, financial and emotional support to girl child. It is estimated over 2.4crore girls in the world are on brink of dropping out of schools due to Covid -19 pandemic. Some time ago, the All India Survey on Higher Education report, 2019-20 has been released. Let's see  the figures of this report- 1)  There has been upsurge of 18% in female enrolment  in higher education from 2015to 2019. 2) Among all categories Muslim women are enrolled 40% in HE ( higher education) in 2019-20 as compared to 2015-16. Also the enrolment of ST and OBC category women has been increased 38%and 30% respectively in HE, during period 2015to 2019. These positive points are not the reason of celebration because the averages hide a plethora of gaps. The share of Muslim and ST women in HE ,despite improvement,is still abysmally low at 2.7% and 2.8% respectively. Women

DOWRY:how is the major impediment against WOMEN EMPOWERMENT

 Recently World Bank  published data against dowry system in south asia ,also figure out dowry is one of the biggest social problem in India. It was just about the data, 60years passed  to applied  Dowry Prohibition Act,1961 but still 95%indian Marriages are witnesses of  a dowry. According to WB     an Indian family     spend nearly 14% of their yearly domestic  income  as a dowry amounts. Dowry is like a social stigma that openly endorsed by not only in middle and educational lack areas but also in high class and literate society.  Once we say education is the key factor for ending this disgraceful  system but when we see that cases in Kerala like states where nearly 100% literacy then it got a very disturbing factor for our society.  Recent news in Kerala against dowry death and outrage against married women show us  social status and patriarchy is excessively exist beyond literacy .Oxford defines dowry-" dowry as the amount of property or money brought by a bride to their husb

Patriarchy Vs existence of a Woman

Can we say"if patriarchy was not would be paradise for Women". Isn't it? Let's see some eg: there is rarest of the rare  a lady Pope in  Church, a lack of lady priest..same as Masjids.. behind this  contribution in parliament only14.3%, in judiciary capacity of SC judges is 1113 and the numbers of women is only 32%.An American study:If there is a one lady judge in a panel of three judges ..gender discrimination affects the decision is that panel quietly .One more eg:year2016  , First lady Solicitor General Indira Jaisingh said in an interview...when a male lawyer with them ..priority of speaking always goes  to him.  That  egs  of patriarchy are only data for gov but we who  regularly feel this descrimination like torture in society.    As much as we say , these differences hysterious us.In a news paper continuously we read and anguished because of these thoughts.Why they differ us behalf of gender.. isn't enough we are a human ??Oxfam report:85%doesnt p

Who need to know the meaning of a Woman

Usually,  we listen words like women empowerment,women respect,women wellness etc either by  youngsters or by high class society but on ground level in rural  area where 11.5%(2011)household females are headed ..there  real meaning of woman is generally missing or considered only a houseworker.I am not saying rurals are illiterate about meaning just ground level. After that it's Gandhian country then we have to start from villages.Still today we celebrate Women's Day but women aren't safe even today . Women's Day celebrated since1908 every 8march brings a new hope for a woman but unfortunately years after years   we gotta gifts in form of  directly increasing cases of Honour killing, Murders for dowry,Domestic violence,Acid attacks  ,Child marriages Kidnapping.We know we are the future of the Country then why we aren't cooperate.Why we didn't notice about  atrocities against another women.. because she isn't in our blood relation??Untill how long???? Ac

Even a woman is a human

 Recently  Maharastra (Jalgaav)   act to get off clothes of  some hostal  girls and forced them to dance  is verily disgusting and shameful..Why  ??we are the women means we haven't any self-respect ,we haven't any rights to oppose??We talk about women empowerment this is the shadow behind women empowerment .According to NCRB2019: crime against has been increased 7.3% more than 2018.Rape,mollistation,domestic  violence,and their second stage status..these are the regular and serious problems...also we working on it since decades..but the position is the same like before. For Women empowerment Beti Bachao Beti Padhao ,One Stop Center,Women Helpline etc  .schemes are implemented but rare of the rarest  we came to hear she saves  any type of crime because of this particular scheme  .. Unlike these schemes why government not focused on Self Defence .why government not give meticulous attention on Self-defence to make it  mandatory  for every women.At  the ground level firstly some